Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Facing our fears
The Lord of the Rings is one of my favourite books, and Jessica and I have been watching the movies that Ed & Jami own. It's a grand adventure embarked upon by unwilling heroes whose courage to face their fears, weaknesses, and inadequacies are exactly what make them succeed.
Sam: It's like in the great stories Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? ... Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something even if you were too small to understand why. But I think Mr. Frodo, I do understand, I know now folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something.
Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam?
Sam: That there's some good in the world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for.

By definition, adventure involves risk. It's why we love adventure and why we (sometimes) avoid it.
We have all had to face our fears a little on this trip: lost luggage, foreign food, language barriers, large birds, biting insects, large hairy spiders (yes, that is a tarantula!), snorkeling, etc. I wonder which Cathy thinks is worse...the underwater creatures that she can see or those she can't! :-)
Of course, it is easy to trivialize someone else's fears. Personally, I (Dan) have had to face my own fears of ineffectiveness or inadequacy. But at the same time, I have been given plenty of reminders of the the opposite...like this quote by Mariann Williamson:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.' We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!!
Helping with the Bathroom Project
But the project that we've always read about on their blog, because it is their largest commitment and because it is the one that is actually being funded by folks back in Canada, is the bathroom project for Punta Gorda school. It is coming along well and looks like it will end up being one of the nicest washrooms on this end of the island. Wilmar and Oscar, the contractors who did most of the work, including the tiling, are essentially done now, and won't be back until the new year for some final touch ups. But there is still a fair bit of clean-up, plumbing, detail work, sanding and painting that needs to be done, so we are fortunate to be here in time to help with some of the final stages.
We've all been down there helping in various shifts. Below are two photos and video of the morning that just Cathy and I were there with Ed. Did we mention that we had 3 straight rainy days? However, yesterday and today have been beautiful.

Sunday, December 20, 2009
We'll have a blue Christmas...
We found a Caribbean Christmas CD here and put it on this morning. As it played "Blue Christmas" it reminded us of how we are missing you all.
Of course, when it played "Let it snow" we remembered the advantage of being here for Christmas! :-)
Friday, December 18, 2009
So much to be thankful for...
- Jessica's worst nightmare came true at Houston airport when all of our luggage went missing. We spent five hours touring from United to Continental to Taca and back again, through the very large George Bush Intercontinental Airport. We eventually had to divide and conquer...they went to the gate to meet Cathy's incoming flight from Calgary while I tracked the luggage down and met it coming in from San Fran. With minutes to spare, we all met up and scrambled to get a boarding pass for Cathy onto our flight to Roatan . By the way, J & M handled the excitement extremely well, especially considering we all were working on about 3 hours of cramped airline sleep.
- The landing on Roatan was breathtaking. We all leaned over those with window seats to catch a view of this jungle jewel in the middle of the Caribbean.
- After Ed & Jami served us supper in their home (along with Steph and Carlos), they brought us here (to our new home). It was long after dark, and we were exhausted. As we were getting ready for bed, the power went out. It was a moonless night, and we couldn't see a thing! Fortunately I had my headlamp along, and after some searching (and one radio call to a helpful neighbour), we located some candles and matches.
- On Wednesday, I enjoyed a boat ride with Carlos that I will always remember. Awhile back, Carlos built a fiberglass dory for Ed; that's Carlos' business and he put all his skill and expertise into this little boat. We decided to bring it from the south side of the island (where Steph and Carlos live) to the north side (where our place is). With only a 15hp engine, that means a 90 minute end run around the eastern tip. There's one point where the trip involves going outside of the reef into the open ocean, normally for only 10 minutes, but it took us about 30 as we managed to time it to coincide with the biggest squall of our time on the island...accidental, of course, but we could not have timed it better! Carlos grew up on this water and he as good at driving the boat as he is at building it. I never felt unsafe, but we did get soaked to the skin and Carlos lost his sunglasses to the driving wind and rain as he navigated us over 2m swells. My butt is still sore! As Cathy accurately predicted to Steph while were gone, "If Dan comes back alive, he'll have had the time of his life!"
- Probably a good thing that I did survive, as Wednesday was also our 20th anniversary! As the girls hung with E & J for the evening, Cathy and I visited a local East End restaurant known for great food and beautiful views. What a place to celebrate and give thanks for 20 amazing years.
- Thursday morning we were up early for the "thrift sale". This was the means devised to distribute some of the relief items that so many of you back in Calgary have generously donated. E & J really poured their hearts (and many days) into ensuring this day was organized, equitable, valuable and fun for the people of Punta Gorda. By partnering with local churches and community leaders, they were able to give first dibs to those families who needed the items most. We have previously seen first hand that dignity is removed and greed is fostered when goods are given away for free, so by charging a nominal price for the goods, parents were able to purchase Christmas gifts for their kids with their own money: everything was valued and everyone experienced love & respect. We'll try to post some photos soon, but it really was AMAZING day.
- Speaking of E & J, we continue to be impressed by how well-respected they are in the community and how many great projects they are involved in...many more than we imagined or read about through their blog. It is a gift to connect with them, meet their friends, and see up close the work they are passionate about.
- We also continue to adjust to 'island life' and learn new things here. Many of the sights and smells trigger memories of our time in South Africa. If did not have that experience, it would be harder to adjust to the differences in food and banking, the bugs, the language barriers, and the ever-present economic differential between rich and poor. Because of past experiences, our girls are quite comfortable and willing to try new adventures.
- Please keep Cathy in your thoughts and prayers. She has been quite sick for the past couple of days with a flu and fever. Yesterday she participated in the sale, but went straight to bed when we got home. Today she stayed home and rested all day while Micayla and I made yet another run to the airport (45 min. each way) to check if our missing suitcase has caught up with us yet. No such luck. It's our third time there, and the answer is always "mañana" (tomorrow!). At least there's nothing on that suitcase that we can't live without.
- Yesterday afternoon while Cathy slept, the girls and I grabbed our masks and snorkels and headed out in Ed's boat. We moored to a buoy that marks the cut line through the reef...probably only 500 meters from our home...but it was our first glimpse of the underwater marine paradise that we are surrounded by. Roatan is a mecca for divers, and we can't claim to have experienced more than the tiniest fraction of its beauty. But in those 90 minutes of remaining sunlight, and probably only 20 square meters of near surface water that we could explore, we saw enough of the wonder and majesty of creation to know that we have lived a privileged life.
- Tomorrow looks like it will include Jami's Saturday morning basketball clinic with the neighborhood boys, then a few hours of work on the washroom project, and then perhaps an afternoon excursion to the West end of the island. But, things are hard to plan around here, so we are learning to take each day as it comes.
Monday, December 14, 2009
A quick hello from Roatan
We feel incredibly blessed. This place truly is beautiful and we are well cared for. The house that Ed and Jami found for us is amazing. More on that another time.
Time is short as the power is out on the island this morning, as it has been several times since we've been here. Cathy, Micayla, and Jessica have already gone for supplies, while Ed and I are heading to the school in Punta Gorda shortly.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We go...
Whither Roatan? and other FAQs
- Where is Roatan? It’s part of Honduras, one of the bay islands about 80km north of the mainland.
- You can see it on a map here.
- Is this a vacation? Yes
- Roatan is a Caribbean island! Have you experienced the weather in Calgary lately?!
- Is this just a vacation? No
- We have three purposes for the trip: vacation, visit, and volunteer. In some way, it's the ideal vacation for us a family right now. We feel like we could really use a break and some time to relax. We all love the ocean and the beach. But we also want something more purposeful than your standard tourist destination. We wanted a trip that each of us would enjoy and where each of us could feel useful.
- Who will you be visiting? Cathy's brother Ed and his wife Jami, as well as our niece Stephanie.
- We are also looking forward to meeting Steph's new husband Carlos and his family.
- What kind of volunteer work? We are looking forward to simply joining Ed and Jami in whatever projects they are involved in. They moved to Roatan over a year ago to become part of the community and have a positive impact. I'd encourage you to peruse their blog (listed under LINKS on the right), especially the entry from 19Feb2009 that gives a good overview of their approach.
- I (Dan) am particularly looking forward to seeing the washroom project they are currently working on.
- And if it works out, I know that Cathy would love an opportunity to put her 2nd year nursing training to use doing some basic medical work while she is there.
- Is this where you sent the container? Yes
- Many of you heard about and even donated your time and resources towards the container that we began filling over a year ago. After many delays, it shipped a few months ago. The great thing (for me) about these delays is that it now looks like we will now be able to be involved in some of the unpacking and distribution of these items.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Leaving on a jet plane…again!
Yes, we are resurrecting the old blog. Many of you will recall that we used this medium to keep our friends and family back home informed of our adventures in 2006 when we volunteered in South Africa. In reality, we used it as a form of personal therapy to help us process our thoughts and feelings as we stumbled through that grand (and often confounding) adventure.
We have no idea how often we’ll be able to post, but we’ll give the blog a try once again, and we look forward to reading your comments. Thanks for tuning in!