The Joy of Giving - Update on Ingcindezi Preschool

Inside Ingcindezi Preschool, before...

...and after.

The new playground!

The first phase of the preschool project we’ve been working on is now complete, and although it’s been hard work, I think we’ve never been part of anything so rewarding in our lives! Amazingly, everything went according to schedule (we haven’t quite been able to let go of the Western need for a schedule!) and the little school is now cleaned, painted, and completely outfitted with beautiful toys, books, tiny furniture, and craft equipment. There’s a little play kitchen, an area with blocks, cars, and a magnificent farm, a quiet area with dozens of books and puzzles, a painting easel, and so much more! The playground went in on Tuesday, and yesterday we threw a party for the kids, teachers, and parents. We had a great time!
On our previous visits to this preschool, the children stood around quietly or sat in the dirt. With absolutely nothing to play with, the school was absolutely silent most of the time. Yesterday, the most beautiful sounds of children laughing, playing, screaming and running filled the air. And the smiles! Cost of changing the lives of 30 preschoolers? 15,000 Rand (or about $3,000 Canadian). The smiles and giggles? Priceless!!
The principal of the primary school next door and the president of the parent’s committee came to express their heartfelt appreciation for all we have done and given, and we told them that all of this is a gift from Canada. They said that if Canada has such wonderful people, we must go home and return with many of our friends. So, there’s the invitation to all of you! If you want to be involved in some crazy experiences that will change your life, then start planning your trip to help others overseas. We highly recommend it!
P.S. Thanks again, Nikki, for helping us get some pictures posted.
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