Monday, December 26, 2005

I Like to Move It, Move It!

We are currently in Sherwood Park (just outside of Edmonton) staying with my (Dan's) brother Dave and his family. Yesterday morning we attended a Christmas Day church service, and in the evening we rented and watched Madagascar; surprisingly, both struck us with a common theme--"You've got to Move It, Move It!"

If you've seen Madagascar (yes, I know that most people saw it months ago), you will understand that the theme song is still ringing in our ears! The movie is about the adventures of some North American zoo animals who venture to the wilds of Africa. Some go because of a desire to escape the artificial confines of their current life (I can relate to that!), while others are simply dragged along in the wake (does that describe anyone in our family?! Just smile & wave, girls. Smile & wave! ;-)

In church, the oh-so-familiar Christmas Story seemed to take on new significance and meaning as we reflected on the faith and courage of Mary & Joseph. It is easy for us to read the story now and see how God was using the humiliation of an unplanned pregnancy, the greed of Caesar, the cruel pettiness of Herod, the overcrowding of the inn, the earthy humility of the stable, all as part of His excellent plan to save the world. Certainly Mary & Joseph must have had moments when they wondered whether had heard the angel correctly. Yet they obeyed nonetheless...they got to move it, move it!

Like the protagonists of the Christmas story and of Madagascar, and like you too, we are on our own journey of faith, hope, and adventure. Today is Boxing Day, 2006...exactly two weeks until we will leave North America behind! The past six months have been a roller coaster of faith and doubt, but today we can look back and know we have experienced God's protection & grace over and over again. Our house is rented, our cats have found a loving home, our passports and our visas have arrived, and we have been blown away by the generosity of the friends & family who are supporting us financially.

So now...we've got to move it, move it!


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